In a worksheet that will take more than one page to print, you can print column headers on each page so the column headings can be seen on each page.Lessons include: New Course Word 2016 Word 2016 Getting Started with Word Word 2016 Creating and Opening Documents Word 2016 Saving and Sharing Documents Word 2016 Text Basics Word 2016 Formatting Text Word 2016 Using Find and Replace Word 2016 Indents and Tabs Word 2016 Line and Paragraph Spacing Word 2016 Lists Word 2016 Hyperlinks Word 2016 Page Layout Word 2016 Printing Word 2016 Simply follow these steps to insert a blank line above the table: Click in the upper left-hand corner of the first cell in the first row (before any text). With Word 2016, the power and extra features, not to mention the ease of exploring the new features, is enough to make me go back and stick with this app - for now. Other packages (e.g., Pages) are worse.Related: Desktop Software. And sadly, Microsoft doesn't care about it's Office users. Their response is 'we control the market, so live with it'. Print row and column headings.Thanks for the tips Saikat Basu.

On the Page Layout tab, in the Sheet Options group, select the Print check box under Headings.

You can see how your sheet will print in the preview pane. Print row or column titles on every page.